
Yet Another LOgging Wrapper

Documentation Status Python package


This package provides a generic wrapper for Python’s logging module. A log directory is created in the project root directory. The log generated by yalow is intended for use in situations where you need a single project log that all of the packages in your project write to.


pip install yalow

How Does Do

Get the root path of your project in whatever way you would like. Once that’s accomplished provide it to Yalow along with your project name:

from yalow import Yalow
logger = Yalow(root_path=I_AM_GROOT, project_name='logalog').logger

Example log output format:

2020-03-06 21:16:13,495 - logalog - INFO: Logging initialized for project: logalog
2020-03-06 21:16:13,495 - logalog - INFO: IT'S ALIVE!!!!!
2020-03-06 21:16:13,496 - logalog.example_package - ERROR: And its minion is HUGE!

Refer to examples for usage details.

Indices and tables